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Basic math tells us that to lose weight we need to reduce daily calorie intake. But, if you often feel like a bottomless pit when on a weight loss diet, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, most trendy diets leave us feeling unsatisfied, craving all of the foods we are told we can’t eat and just plain hungry. The trick to turning off constant hunger is choosing the right foods that keep us full, satisfied and give our body the fuel it needs to get through a busy day.

Here is a list of 10 eat smart ways to turn off hunger and finally lose that weight easily. Let’s do this!

1. Protein Power

Protein is a powerhouse when it comes to weight loss because it’s a powerful aid when helping you feel full. Adding protein to your diet not only reduces your appetite, but it also can give a boost to your metabolism and stabilize blood sugar levels. The recommended daily intake for protein is 46 grams for women and 56 grams for men and between 14-28 grams for children depending on their age. The obvious protein choices are eggs, chicken breast, turkey, shrimp, all fishes, canned tuna, and lean beef; but, did you know that almonds, pistachios, cashews, quinoa, lentils, Ezekiel bread, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, broccoli, pumpkin seeds are also great choices?

2. Fabulous Fiber

Eating a diet filled with good-for-you fiber can help decrease hunger and help you eat fewer calories. Both an obvious plus when you’re trying to lose weight. A high fiber diet fills the stomach, slows down its emptying rate and releases hormones that signal fullness. Opt for a diet containing lots of fruits (especially berries), vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds – high in fiber with nutrients needed for long-term health.

3. Water, Water, Drink Up that Water

It’s commonly recommended to drink around eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day - staying hydrated is beyond important. Did you know even mild dehydration can impair energy levels, mood, memory and brain performance? Drinking plenty of water helps with digestion, complexion and weight loss due to the fact that water can increase satiety and boost your metabolic rate. The timing is important too, and drinking water half an hour before meals is the most effective. It can make you feel more full, so that you eat fewer calories.

4. Shrink Your Plate

Eating from smaller plates may actually help you unconsciously reduce your food portions without even feeling deprived or hungry. The larger your plate or bowl, the more food you’re likely to pile on it. Easy trick.

5. Move That Body of Yours

Any kind of exercise (aerobic or resistance training) can actually help increase your hormones that register fullness and lead to less hunger and calorie intake. YAY! Exercise is thought to reduce food cravings, reduce hunger hormone levels, all the while increasing the feeling of being full. So get moving.

6. Snooze Fest

Getting at least seven hours of sleep per night helps reduce hunger levels and protect against weight gain. Too little sleep can actually decrease levels of fullness hormones causing people to eat more calories and adding to their risk of obesity. Under six hours of sleep is when people begin to see the negative effects of too little sleep and weight gain. Cut off eating at least two hours before bed to allow your body time to digest after dinner.

7. Coffee, Please!

Coffee drinkers can benefit from a reduction in hunger for up to three hours. That’s huge! Coffee also has many other health benefits and may also improve sports performance. Coffee helps increase the release of peptide YY that is a hormone that is produced when eating and stimulates feelings of fullness! Peptide YY may play a really important role in determining how much food we eat. If possible, drink your coffee black, without added sugars and creamers.

8. Stress Less, Silly!

It’s easier said than done, but seriously, stop stressing! Finding little ways to manage stress in life may reduce your hunger, your obesity and even mild depression. Reducing stress levels has been shown to decrease cravings and increase fullness. Stress may decrease levels of peptide YY, your fullness hormone. Remembering to breathe deeply several times throughout the day is one way to hopefully let go of a little stress, at least momentarily.

9. Be Mindful of Every Bite

Eating quickly or with many distractions can make it more difficult for your body to register signals of fullness. Eating more mindfully can help decrease hunger, increase feelings of fullness and help you experience more enjoyment of your foods. Chew mindfully and savor each bite. Slow down and actually pay attention to what is going into your mouth.

10. Get Spicy

Adding flavorful sides such as ginger and hot and sweet peppers to your foods may help decrease hunger, increase fullness and have great health benefits. In addition to hunger reduction, ginger has been shown to reduce muscle pain, inflammation, nausea and blood sugar levels. Capsaicin in hot peppers, and capsiate in sweet peppers may help decrease hunger, increase the feelings of fullness and increase the number of calories burned after a meal.

Overeating is a difficult habit to break, but you can do it. Small changes in your day-to-day life can have big benefits when it comes to establishing a new, healthy routine. Smart food choices can help you to not constantly fall prey to overeating. Enjoy your morning coffee, choose high protein, high fiber and some spicy foods, get your sleep, stop stressing, drink water all day long, use smaller plates, go out for a walk and be mindful. Easy tips and all golden.